Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ORA-600 [kfcNullConvert20] error on ASM instance

I have experienced ORA-600 error on ASM instance (, which caused ASM instance restart on that particular node. Due to which all databases instances on that node are restarted, because they lost connectivity with ASM.

This issue is a known Bug 4682861 in Oracle and the effected version are , , , This BUG is fixed in Server patch set and Base release.

Check for Possible Error messages in ASM/Database alert.log and trace files.
If you find below SYMPTOMS then you are hitting a BUG 4682861.

ASM alert. log errors:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfcNullConvert20], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
DBW0: terminating instance due to error 471

Trace file (ASM DBWR trace file contains Stack Trace: kfcNullConvert and errors):-
error 600 detected in background process
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfcNullConvert20], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ksuitm: waiting for [5] seconds before killing DIAG

Database alert log errors:
ORA-15064: communication failure with ASM instance
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
ASMB: terminating instance due to error 15064

Due to Bug 4682861, ASM instance restarted.

Option 1:- Upgrade to or higher release
Option 2:-Download the patch from MetaLink:
i) Click on Patches & Updates Link.
ii) Enter patch number: 4682861 and Select your O/S
iii) Click Go.
iv) Download the patch for the Oracle release that you experienced this issue.

Please note that ANY ORA-600 error indicates Oracle has detected an internal inconsistency or a problem which it doesn’t know how best to address. These are *NOT* necessarily bugs and can occur for reasons such as running out of some resource, Operating System IO problems.. etc.

Satishbabu Gunukula

1 comment:

  1. مجال نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب تلك الشركة الجيدة التي تقدم خدمات جيدة وتسمى افضل شركات نقل عفش بجدة ايضا وهي التي تختص بنقل العفش من بيت الى بيت آخر في مدينة جدة وما جاورها من مناطق تابعة وايضا من افضل شركات نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب تلك التي توجد في العاصمة المقدسة مكة المكرمة وقد نالت شركات نقل عفش بمكة شهرة واسعة لأنها تعتمد على اساليب حديثة في اعمال نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب وفي مدينة الطائف تطورت خدماتنا واصبحنا نقدم خدمات جيدة في اعمال نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب ولهذا السبب اصبحت شركتنا
